Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Final Fond Farewell

Wow, where the heck has the past 4 months gone?! It only seems like yesterday that I was filling out the application and waiting in anticipation to hear the exciting news that I was going to live in Italy and Greece for 4 months! This is probably the last time you'll hear from me, but I've had so much fun keeping up with this blog!

I wouldn't not have traded anything about the past 4 months for anything in the world, even the challenging, most difficult times I will treasure (as cheesy as that sounds) I have learned so much and have recieved a much appreciated awareness of these amazing cultures and world. I have come to know and love my family of 29 here so well and I am so sad to leave them. It is going to be so strange to be going home and not having them around every single minute of the day. But on that note, I am so excited to be going home and seeing all of you, especially in time for all the snow and Christmas! Thank you so much for all your prayers, they are greatly appreciated. And defintiely will be needing them now with my travels home! :)

So, a final fond farewell! I'm am now Ireland bound for a few days and I'll see you all on the flip side!!

Much love,
Laura :)

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