Monday, August 30, 2010

Arrivederci, Minnesota!

"Today is the day, I'm off to great places, I'm off and away." (Couldn't have said it any better than Dr. Suess!)
Minneapolis, MN to Roma, Italy!

This all feels so surreal! My bags are packed (I hope I have everything!), plane tickets confirmed, passport in hand...I think I'm ready! I'll be heading to the airport in a few short minutes! I have 2 long days of travel ahead of me! Minneapolis to Chicago. Chicago to Frankfurt. Frankfurt to Rome! It's weird to think that the next post I'll write, I will be in Italy! (possibly enjoying some gelato!) Until then, Ciao! :) See you on the flip side!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Count down!

Wow. It was almost a year ago I was applying for studying abroad and thinking "this is such a long time away." Not quite sure where the heck that time went because I will be embarking on my 4 month long adventure in Rome and Athens in less than 3 days! Yikes! (to say the least).

 My suitcase has been sitting in my room for about 2 weeks now and has been packed for most of that time. Slightly anxious? No question there. I have been looking forward to this trip for almost a year and now that the time has come, the nerves are defintitely setting in! I have had my days where I feel that I just don't want to leave, see the summer come to a close, or simply feeling too underprepared to be able to survive these 4 months. But despite these reoccuring days, I can't help but gain the excitement at the same time!

While abroad, I will be taking courses on Theology, Greek and Italian art history and literature among others. It will be a wonderful break from the all the Science classes! Many of the classes will be held on sight of museums and other historical landmarks as well as day/weekend trips to Assissi, Florence, Subiaco, Ostia Antica, Dephi and Olympia!

There are so many things that I am looking forward to; seeing the world, meeting new people, learning (well, trying to learn) new languages (I feel Greek will prove to be quite difficult), living in a completely unfamiliar culture, and of course trying so many new foods! However, I am defintiely going to miss the comforts of home/campus and of course family and friends! It has been an unforgettable summer! :)

Who doesn't love to recieve a letter via snail mail?! :) I'll do my best to keep this blog updated, and I'd love to hear from you all as well! Keep in touch!

Laura Trent
c/o CEA Global Campus: Rome
Viale di Villa Massimo, 29
00161 Rome

Less than 3 days and nervously counting down!

~Laura :)