Wow. It was almost a year ago I was applying for studying abroad and thinking "this is such a long time away." Not quite sure where the heck that time went because I will be embarking on my 4 month long adventure in Rome and Athens in less than 3 days! Yikes! (to say the least).
My suitcase has been sitting in my room for about 2 weeks now and has been packed for most of that time. Slightly anxious? No question there. I have been looking forward to this trip for almost a year and now that the time has come, the nerves are defintitely setting in! I have had my days where I feel that I just don't want to leave, see the summer come to a close, or simply feeling too underprepared to be able to survive these 4 months. But despite these reoccuring days, I can't help but gain the excitement at the same time!
While abroad, I will be taking courses on Theology, Greek and Italian art history and literature among others. It will be a wonderful break from the all the Science classes! Many of the classes will be held on sight of museums and other historical landmarks as well as day/weekend trips to Assissi, Florence, Subiaco, Ostia Antica, Dephi and Olympia!
There are so many things that I am looking forward to; seeing the world, meeting new people, learning (well, trying to learn) new languages (I feel Greek will prove to be quite difficult), living in a completely unfamiliar culture, and of course trying so many new foods! However, I am defintiely going to miss the comforts of home/campus and of course family and friends! It has been an unforgettable summer! :)
Who doesn't love to recieve a letter via snail mail?! :) I'll do my best to keep this blog updated, and I'd love to hear from you all as well! Keep in touch!
Laura Trent
c/o CEA Global Campus: Rome
Viale di Villa Massimo, 29
00161 Rome
Less than 3 days and nervously counting down!
~Laura :)